Sunday, 29 November 2015

How to create E-Mail validation input box (from Database) while the user types mail ID

Hi all this sample code lets you to create a input box which scans for the entered E-Mail ID while user starts typing the ID

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

How to create a Template Based Widget in Dojo

Hi everybody, here is a small and quick tutorial for writing and mastering your own template based custom widgets using Dojo framework. In this example we will write a simple auto-complete search box by making use of Dojo bootstrap 3 Typeahead module (for auto-completing). Also with some basic CSS.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

How to fix automatic volume changing and crackling sound problem while playing music in Ubuntu and Linux mint

Hi all here is a solution for crackling sound and auto volume change problem while playing music with full volume level in Ubuntu and Linux Mint (Any Version) .