Thursday, 24 July 2014

C program to reboot the system using int86 () function

/* Program to reboot the system using int86() function.*/

C program to generate possible combinations in a 3 digit positive number

/* Program to generate possible combinations in a 3 digit positive number */

C program to print a text in reverse order

/* Program to print a text in reverse order */

C program to find the smallest and largest of an integer

/* Program to find the smallest and largest of an integer */

C program to calculate sum of factorials using recursion

/* Program to calculate 1!+2!+3!+....n! using recursion */

C program to display list of C files in a directory

/* Program to display list of .C files in a directory */

C program to find the sum of individual digits of a number repeatedly till the sum is a single digit number

/* Program to find the sum of individual digits of a number repeatedly till the sum is a single digit number */

Thursday, 17 July 2014

C program to delete the given file from the disk

/* C program to delete the given file from the disk */

C program to convert hexadecimal to decimal

/* C program to convert hexadecimal to decimal */

C program to check whether the entered number is even or odd using conditional (ternary) operators

/* C Program to check whether the entered number is even
   or odd using conditional (ternary) operators

C program to read a C file in current directory and count statements,brackets and included files

   C program to read a C file in current directory and count statements,
   brackets and included files

C Program to display the number of days in calendar format of an entered month of entered year

/* C Program to display the number of days in calendar format of an entered month of entered year. */

C program to get file attributes (Properties)

/* C Program to get file attributes  */

C program to find the largest of 3 files

   Program to read contents of 3 files and find the largest file.

C program to count vowels,consonant,spaces,sentences and words with spaces

   Program to count total vowels,consonant,spaces, sentences and words with spaces
  and to erase more than one space between 2 successive words.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

COBOL program to find the sum of the digits of a number


COBOL program to find the factorial

Main Program (FACT.COB)


COBOL program to display prime numbers between the limits